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Employee Name Employee Email Job Title Building(s)
Aeschliman, Kristy kaeschli@wls4kids.org ESL INSTRUCTOR CTC, Greenwood, Hiawatha, McGregor, Shoreland, Washington, Whitmer
Aldrich, Kathryn kaldrich@wls4kids.org GRADE 4 TEACHER Hiawatha
Baidel, Constance cbaidel@wls4kids.org SPEECH & LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST McGregor, Hiawatha
Becker, Stephen SBecker@WLS4Kids.org Hiawatha
Behrman, Ashley ABehrman@WLS4Kids.org Hiawatha
Bernhardt, Albert abernhardt@wls4kids.org principal - elementary Hiawatha
Boudouris, Catherine cboudour@wls4kids.org GRADE 2 TEACHER Hiawatha, Long Term Cert Subs
Bushmeyer, Robin rbushmeyer@wls4kids.org teacher Hiawatha
Caryer, Jodi jcaryer@wls4kids.org TITLE I READING TEACHER Hiawatha
Cavanaugh, Delaney DCavanaugh@WLS4Kids.org Art Hiawatha, Shoreland, Silver Creek
Connelly, Kathleen KConnelly@WLS4Kids.org Gifted Intervention Specialist Monac, Hiawatha
Cranston, Nicholas NCranston@WLS4Kids.org Physical Education Teacher Hiawatha, Shoreland, Silver Creek
Deiter, Samantha sdeiter@wls4kids.org GRADE 1 TEACHER Hiawatha
DePompei, Chelsea CDePompei@WLS4Kids.org 3rd Grade Hiawatha
Dopieralski, Ashley ADopieralski@WLS4Kids.org Driver/Safety Aide Transportation, Hiawatha
ESL, ESL ESL@WLS4Kids.org ESL account for shared emails CTC, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, McGregor, Meadowvale, Monac, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Washington, Whitmer
Fellers, Kyle KFellers@WLS4Kids.org Hiawatha
Frey, Carrie cfrey@wls4kids.org STEM Hiawatha, Shoreland, Silver Creek
Frey, Pamela PFrey@WLS4Kids.org Hiawatha
Gaylord, Tiffany TGaylord@WLS4Kids.org Health Aide Hiawatha, Shoreland
Geer, Laura lgeer@wls4kids.org PSYCHOLOGIST McGregor, Hiawatha
Gladieux, Tracy tgladieu@wls4kids.org GRADE 5 TEACHER Hiawatha
Graves, Rashida RGraves@WLS4Kids.org MD Nurse Hiawatha
Haas, Christine CHaas@WLS4Kids.org School Nurse Shoreland, Hiawatha, Monac
Hans, Carlee CHans@WLS4Kids.org Nurse Hiawatha
Hoffman, Sara shoffman@wls4kids.org Technology Integration Specialist CTC, Central Office, Curriculum, Hiawatha, Whitmer
Kesler, Jessina JKesler@WLS4Kids.org ESC - CODA Meadowvale, Hiawatha
Kuch, Sarah SKuch@WLS4Kids.org ESC - Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant Meadowvale, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Monac, Shoreland, Student Services
Leis, Jeni jleis@wls4kids.org LUCAS COUNTY ADAPTED PE McGregor, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, Lucas County, Meadowvale, Monac, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Student Services, Washington, Whitmer
Lemon, Michelle milemon@wls4kids.org LUCAS COUNTY PHYSICAL THERAPIST McGregor, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, Lucas County, Meadowvale, Monac, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Student Services, Washington, Westwood, Whitmer
Lopez, Kelly klopez@wls4kids.org TEACHER Hiawatha
Lopez, Sofia solopez@wls4kids.org Intervention Specialist Hiawatha
Mack, Denise dmack@wls4kids.org CLASSROOM AIDE Hiawatha
Maroon, Kylene kmaroon@wls4kids.org MUSIC TEACHER Whitmer, Hiawatha, Jefferson, McGregor, Meadowvale, Washington
Martin, Kristine kmartin@wls4kids.org Assistant Superintendent Central Office, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, McGregor, Meadowvale, Monac, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Washington, Wernert, Whitmer
McGrath, Gaylene gmcgrath@wls4kids.org NUTRITION SERVICE WORKER Hiawatha
Mikolajczyk, Kathryn kmikolajczyk@wls4kids.org Secretary Hiawatha
Millward, Cynthia cmillward@wls4kids.org bus driver Hiawatha, Building Services
Mocek, Lindsay LMocek@WLS4Kids.org Hiawatha
Morelli, Mary Anne mmorelli@wls4kids.org GRADE 2 TEACHER Hiawatha
Morris, Jeren JMorris@WLS4Kids.org CLASSROOM AIDE - 7 HR. Hiawatha
Osborn, Sarah sosborn@wls4kids.org IS Hiawatha
Parquette, Heather hparquet@wls4kids.org GRADE 4 TEACHER Hiawatha
Peart, Kimberlee kpeart@wls4kids.org BUS DRIVER/SFETY AIDE Greenwood, Hiawatha
Perretti, Heidi HPerretti@WLS4Kids.org Classroom Aide Hiawatha
Perry, Tammy taperry@wls4kids.org CLASSROOM AIDE Hiawatha
Pickens, Jon JPickens@WLS4Kids.org Occupational Therapist Greenwood, Hiawatha, Whitmer
Purvis, Jamie jpurvis@wls4kids.org Classroom Aide Hiawatha
Revels, Heidi hrevels@wls4kids.org CLASSROOM AIDE Hiawatha
Revels, Trilby TRevels@WLS4Kids.org Hiawatha
Roose, McKenna MRoose@WLS4Kids.org Student Teacher Hiawatha
Roundtree, Pamela PRoundtree@WLS4Kids.org Classroom Aide Hiawatha
Rupright, Casandra CRupright@WLS4Kids.org Music Teacher Hiawatha, Hiawatha
Rutkowski, Christina CRutkow@wls4kids.org CUSTODIAN Hiawatha
Sanders, Veronica VSanders@WLS4Kids.org Safety Aide Hiawatha
Schultz, Constance CoSchultz@WLS4Kids.org Certified Substitute Silver Creek, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Meadowvale, Monac
Schulz, Robert RSchulz@WLS4Kids.org Guidance Counselor Hiawatha
Scott, Paige pscott@wls4kids.org Curriculum Consultant Shoreland, Curriculum, Hiawatha, Monac
Sharp, Michelle msharp@wls4kids.org Purchasing Agent Nutrition, Athletics, Board Members, Business, Central Office, CTC, Curriculum, DIS, District Police, Greenwood, Hiawatha, HR, Jefferson, Maintenance, McGregor, Meadowvale, Monac, Panther Virtual Academy, PR, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Stadium, Transportation, Treasurer, Warehouse, WAS
Sherman, Lorie LSherman@wls4kids.org Contracted Nurse Hiawatha
Smith, Samantha SamSmith@WLS4Kids.org Behavioral Specialist/Classroom Aide Hiawatha
Steele, Sarah SSteele@WLS4Kids.org 2nd Grade Teacher Hiawatha
Szymanski, Rachael rszymanski@wls4kids.org GRADE 3 TEACHER Hiawatha
Tabb, Laura ltabb@wls4kids.org CLASSROOM AIDE Hiawatha
Twiggs, Shannon stwiggs@wls4kids.org SPECIAL EDUCATION SUPERVISOR Central Office, Hiawatha, Silver Creek, Student Services, Westwood
Velez-Austin, Alysia AVelezAustin@WLS4Kids.org Intervention Specialist Hiawatha
Veronica, Marissa mveronica@wls4kids.org GRADE 1 TEACHER Hiawatha
Vincent, Deb dvincent@wls4kids.org GRADE 6 TEACHER Hiawatha
Weber, Kourtney KoWeber@WLS4Kids.org Kindergarten Teacher Hiawatha
Welling, David DWelling@WLS4Kids.org Safety Aide Hiawatha
Young, Lina lyoung@wls4kids.org GRADE 6 TEACHER Hiawatha
Ysasi, Darlene DYsasi@WLS4Kids.org Classified Sub, Hiawatha