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Employee Name Employee Email Job Title Building(s)
Aeschliman, Kristy kaeschli@wls4kids.org ESL INSTRUCTOR CTC, Greenwood, Hiawatha, McGregor, Shoreland, Washington, Whitmer
Ashley, Pon Bong pashley@wls4kids.org teacher McGregor
Baidel, Constance cbaidel@wls4kids.org SPEECH & LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST McGregor, Hiawatha
Bigelow, Kimberly KBigelow@WLS4Kids.org Health Aide Monac, McGregor
Black, Carolyn cblack@wls4kids.org Intervention Specialist McGregor
Blank, Anthony ablank@wls4kids.org MUSIC TEACHER McGregor
Brown, Brittany BriBrown@WLS4Kids.org Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant McGregor, Meadowvale, Student Services
Brown, Mindy MiBrown@WLS4Kids.org Gifted Intervention Specialist Meadowvale, McGregor
Cerrillo, Larissa LCerrillo@WLS4Kids.org Student Teacher McGregor
Chamberlin, Molly MChamberlin@WLS4Kids.org Curriculum Consultant Greenwood, McGregor
Clair, Lisa LClair@WLS4Kids.org School Psychologist Contractor Shoreland, McGregor
Crago, Kimberley kcrago@wls4kids.org BUS MONITOR/ SAFETY AIDE Transportation, McGregor
Creighton, Cheryl ccreight@wls4kids.org GRADE 3 TEACHER McGregor
Crespo, Marisa mcrespo@wls4kids.org Associate Principal-Meadowvale/McGregor Meadowvale, Central Office, McGregor
Darling, Danielle ddarling@wls4kids.org Grade 1 TEACHER McGregor
Dunn, Susan SDunn@WLS4Kids.org KIA McGregor, Central Office, Curriculum
Ehrsam, Kimberly KEhrsam@WLS4Kids.org Classroom Aide McGregor
Ersepke, Laura lersepke@wls4kids.org GRADE 2 TEACHER McGregor
ESL, ESL ESL@WLS4Kids.org ESL account for shared emails CTC, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, McGregor, Meadowvale, Monac, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Washington, Whitmer
Evearitt, Theresa taevearitt@wls4kids.org GRADE 1 TEACHER McGregor
Geer, Laura lgeer@wls4kids.org PSYCHOLOGIST McGregor, Hiawatha
Good, Jessica JeGood@WLS4Kids.org Classroom Aide McGregor
Green, Alexis AlGreen@WLS4Kids.org McGregor
Hamway, Sue shamway@wls4kids.org GRADE 4 TEACHER McGregor
Hensen, Francine FHensen@WLS4Kids.org ESC - Occupational Therapist McGregor, Lucas County, Shoreland
Huebner, Shanna shuebner@wls4kids.org GRADE 6 TEACHER McGregor
Huff, Ashley AHuff@WLS4Kids.org n/a McGregor
Johnson, Melissa mejohnson@wls4kids.org KDG. TEACHER McGregor
Kaczor, Catherine CKaczor@WLS4Kids.org Instructional Tutor McGregor
Kasper, Gina gkasper@wls4kids.org Intervention Specialist McGregor
Kelly, Angel AKelly@wls4kids.org Kindergarten Instructional Aide McGregor
Kessler, Stacey skessler@wls4kids.org GRADE 2 TEACHER McGregor
Kilpatrick, Lily LKilpatrick@WLS4Kids.org ESC - Gifted Teacher Meadowvale, Lucas County, McGregor
King, Erin EriKing@WLS4Kids.org Kindergarten Instructional Support Aide McGregor
Kramp, Madison MKramp@WLS4Kids.org Substitute/CERTIFIED McGregor
Lawrence, Laurie LLawrence@wls4kids.org Gifted Teacher Silver Creek, McGregor
Lehmann, Dale dlehmann@wls4kids.org ART TEACHER McGregor, Silver Creek
Leis, Jeni jleis@wls4kids.org LUCAS COUNTY ADAPTED PE McGregor, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, Lucas County, Meadowvale, Monac, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Student Services, Washington, Whitmer
Lemon, Michelle milemon@wls4kids.org LUCAS COUNTY PHYSICAL THERAPIST McGregor, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, Lucas County, Meadowvale, Monac, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Student Services, Washington, Westwood, Whitmer
Lynch, Erin ELynch@WLS4Kids.org Substitute/CERTIFIED McGregor
Madigan, Sam SMadigan@WLS4Kids.org Substitute/CERTIFIED McGregor
Magginis, William wmaggini@wls4kids.org Principal McGregor
Mansfield, Taylor TaMansfield@WLS4Kids.org Intervention Specialist McGregor
Maroon, Kylene kmaroon@wls4kids.org MUSIC TEACHER Whitmer, Hiawatha, Jefferson, McGregor, Meadowvale, Washington
Marshall, Nicole NMarshall@WLS4Kids.org Intervention Specialist McGregor
Martin, Kristine kmartin@wls4kids.org Assistant Superintendent Central Office, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, McGregor, Meadowvale, Monac, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Washington, Wernert, Whitmer
Marx, Brittney bmarx@wls4kids.org Teacher McGregor
McCall, Wendy wmccall@wls4kids.org GRADE 2 TEACHER McGregor
McClellan, Amanda amcclellan@wls4kids.org Title 1 TEACHER McGregor
Measles, Wendy wmeasles@wls4kids.org Teacher McGregor
Melms, Ashley amelms@wls4kids.org Reading Specialist McGregor
Messick, Chelsea CMessick@WLS4Kids.org Secretary McGregor
Moore, Constance CMoore@WLS4Kids.org Custodian McGregor, Greenwood, Maintenance, Nutrition
Novak, Rachael ranovak@wls4kids.org Principal McGregor
Pakulski, Tricia tpakulski@wls4kids.org SECRETARY CTC, McGregor, Whitmer
Pedelose, Angela apedelose@wls4kids.org BUS DRIVER/ ON BOARD INSTRUCTOR/SAFETY AIDE Transportation, McGregor
Pennywitt, Chad cpennywi@wls4kids.org teacher Silver Creek, McGregor
Petras, Bethany bpetras@wls4kids.org STEM TEACHER McGregor
Ramm, Cheryl cramm@wls4kids.org BUS MONITOR/SAFETY AIDE Transportation, McGregor
Re, Amy ARe@wls4kids.org GRADE 4 TEACHER McGregor
Riebe, Rhonda rriebe@wls4kids.org NUTRITION SERVICE MANAGER McGregor
Ross, Amy aross@wls4kids.org GRADE 4 TEACHER McGregor
Ryan, Nicole nryan@wls4kids.org COUNSELOR McGregor
Sakowski, Tera tsakowsk@wls4kids.org GRADE 5 TEACHER McGregor
Schifko, Emily eschifko@wls4kids.org McGregor 6th Grade- ELA/SS McGregor
Schrock, Mark MSchrock@WLS4Kids.org Partners in Education McGregor
Schwab, Jill jschwab@wls4kids.org CLASSROOM AIDE McGregor
Shaffer, Eliana EShaffer@WLS4Kids.org Student Psychologist Silver Creek, McGregor
Swartz, Vicki viswartz@wls4kids.org CUSTODIAN McGregor, Maintenance
Terry, Melisa MTerry@WLS4Kids.org Safety aide McGregor
Thebeau, Suzette sthebeau@wls4kids.org classroom aide 7.25 McGregor
Toles, Charles ctoles@wls4kids.org DIS Technician Warehouse, DIS, Maintenance, McGregor, Monac, Transportation
Vickers, Ashley AVickers@WLS4Kids.org Kindergarten Teacher McGregor
Ward, Roxanne rward@wls4kids.org GRADE 3 TEACHER McGregor
Ward, Tina tward@wls4kids.org GRADE 5 TEACHER McGregor
Weiss, Christine cweiss@wls4kids.org GRADE 1 TEACHER McGregor
Welch, Jennifer jwelch@wls4kids.org GRADE 3 TEACHER McGregor
Win-Szafarowicz, Amy awinszafarowicz@wls4kids.org SCHOOL NURSE Meadowvale, McGregor
Yates, Dorothy dyates@wls4kids.org CUSTODIAN McGregor, District Police, HR, Maintenance, Stadium, Whitmer