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Employee Name Employee Email Job Title Building(s)
Aeschliman, Kristy kaeschli@wls4kids.org ESL INSTRUCTOR CTC, Greenwood, Hiawatha, McGregor, Shoreland, Washington, Whitmer
Alaura, Carli CAlaura@WLS4Kids.org School Counselor Shoreland, Silver Creek
Algarin, Tiffany TAlgarin@wls4kids.org GRADE 2 TEACHER Shoreland
Babel-Pounds, Debra dbabelpounds@wls4kids.org BUS DRIVER/SAFETY AIDE Shoreland, Transportation
Bacon, Paige PBacon@WLS4Kids.org First Grade Shoreland
Baumberger, Kelly kbaumber@wls4kids.org GRADE 3 TEACHER Shoreland
Becker, Christin cbecker@wls4kids.org Title 1 Reading Teacher Shoreland
Bell, Minya MBell@WLS4Kids.org Kindergarten Instructional Aide Shoreland
Bennett II, David dbennett@wls4kids.org 5th Grade Teacher Shoreland
Bott, Charles cbott@wls4kids.org Associate Principal Shoreland
Brugger, Rebecca RBrugger@WLS4Kids.org Building Sub Shoreland
Buss, Bridget bbuss@wls4kids.org GRADE 3 TEACHER Shoreland
Casto, John jcasto@wls4kids.org CUSTODIAN Shoreland
Cavanaugh, Delaney DCavanaugh@WLS4Kids.org Art Hiawatha, Shoreland, Silver Creek
Cherry, Andrea ACherry@WLS4Kids.org Occupational Therapy Assistant Shoreland, Monac, Student Services
Clair, Lisa LClair@WLS4Kids.org School Psychologist Contractor Shoreland, McGregor
Cline, Kelly kcline@wls4kids.org GRADE 6 TEACHER Shoreland
Cole, Jessica jcole@wls4kids.org SECRETARY Shoreland
Collins, Mariah MCollins@WLS4Kids.org Teacher Shoreland
Conlan, Tammera tconlan@wls4kids.org ART TEACHER Shoreland
Cowan, Avery ACowan@WLS4Kids.org Student Teacher Shoreland, Student Teacher
Cranston, Nicholas NCranston@WLS4Kids.org Physical Education Teacher Hiawatha, Shoreland, Silver Creek
Crawford, Janet JCrawford@WLS4Kids.org Secretary Silver Creek, Shoreland
Cummins, Amaya ACummins@WLS4Kids.org Teacher Shoreland
Dedo, Kimberly kdedo@wls4kids.org PRINCIPAL Shoreland
Doran, Justin JDoran@WLS4Kids.org Shoreland
Doran, Kylee KDoran@WLS4Kids.org Custodian Shoreland
Earl, Jennifer jearl@wls4kids.org GRADE 1 TEACHER Shoreland
Ehlert, Julia JEhlert@WLS4Kids.org Intervention Specialist Shoreland
Emahiser, Chelsey ChEmahiser@WLS4Kids.org Kindergarten Teacher Shoreland
ESL, ESL ESL@WLS4Kids.org ESL account for shared emails CTC, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, McGregor, Meadowvale, Monac, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Washington, Whitmer
Forche, Jeremie jforche@wls4kids.org PE TEACHER Shoreland
Frank, Stephanie SFrank@WLS4Kids.org Classroom Aide Shoreland, Whitmer
Frey, Carrie cfrey@wls4kids.org STEM Hiawatha, Shoreland, Silver Creek
Fritch, Katlyn kfritch@wls4kids.org GRADE 5 TEACHER Shoreland
Garn, Kelli kgarn@wls4kids.org GRADE 2 TEACHER Shoreland
Gaylord, Tiffany TGaylord@WLS4Kids.org Health Aide Hiawatha, Shoreland
Geha, Rachel rgeha@wls4kids.org KDG TEACHER Shoreland
Haas, Christine CHaas@WLS4Kids.org School Nurse Shoreland, Hiawatha, Monac
Harris, Tamara tharris@wls4kids.org COUNSELOR Shoreland
Henke, Rachel RHenke@WLS4Kids.org Classroom Aide Shoreland
Hensen, Francine FHensen@WLS4Kids.org ESC - Occupational Therapist McGregor, Lucas County, Shoreland
Hymore, Amy ahymore@wls4kids.org Grade 5 Teacher Shoreland
Jackson, Erika ejackson@wls4kids.org GRADE 1 TEACHER Shoreland
Jacob, Brooke BJacob@WLS4Kids.org STEM Teacher Shoreland, Athletics
Jacobiak, Angela ajacobiak@wls4kids.org Secretary Shoreland
Jager, Lynn ljager@wls4kids.org Intervention Specialist Shoreland
Kazmaier, Kimberly KKazmaier@WLS4Kids.org SUB TEACHER/CERTIFIED Shoreland
Keller, Levi LeKeller@WLS4Kids.org Temp Staff Thru partnerstoledo.org Shoreland
Knight, Deborah dknight@wls4kids.org nutrition service manager Shoreland
Krecioch, Sue skrecioc@wls4kids.org GRADE 4 TEACHER Shoreland
Kuch, Sarah SKuch@WLS4Kids.org ESC - Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant Meadowvale, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Monac, Shoreland, Student Services
Langton, Mary MLangton@WLS4Kids.org Kindergarten Teacher Shoreland
LaPoint, Jaime jlapoint@wls4kids.org Title One Teacher Shoreland
Leis, Jeni jleis@wls4kids.org LUCAS COUNTY ADAPTED PE McGregor, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, Lucas County, Meadowvale, Monac, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Student Services, Washington, Whitmer
Lemon, Michelle milemon@wls4kids.org LUCAS COUNTY PHYSICAL THERAPIST McGregor, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, Lucas County, Meadowvale, Monac, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Student Services, Washington, Westwood, Whitmer
Manders, Sue smanders@wls4kids.org safety aide Shoreland
Martin, Kristine kmartin@wls4kids.org Assistant Superintendent Central Office, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, McGregor, Meadowvale, Monac, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Washington, Wernert, Whitmer
Mayo, Jennifer jmayo@wls4kids.org GRADE 6 TEACHER Shoreland
McClung, Nanette nmcclung@wls4kids.org GRADE 2 TEACHER Shoreland
McClure, Kyle KyMcClure@wls4kids.org Custodian Shoreland
McEntire, Briana bmcentire@wls4kids.org Aide / SPED Shoreland
McGowan, Shelia SMcGowan@WLS4Kids.org Classroom Aide Shoreland
Michaelis, Tracy tmichael@wls4kids.org Intervention Specialist Shoreland
Miller, Rachel rmiller@wls4kids.org Title 1 Reading Teacher Shoreland
Mlinar, Paula PMlinar@WLS4Kids.org gifted teacher Shoreland
Moore, Stacey StMoore@WLS4Kids.org Kindergarten Instructional Aide Shoreland
Morse, Judy jmorse@wls4kids.org PSYCHOLOGIST Shoreland, Whitmer
Nino, Lisa LNino@WLS4Kids.org Safety Aide Shoreland
Oyler, Beth boyler@wls4kids.org teacher Shoreland
Pawlaczyk, Hope hpawlacz@wls4kids.org GRADE 3 TEACHER Shoreland
Perlowitz, Lucinda LPerlowitz@wls4kids.org Classroom Aide Shoreland
Pick, Alyssa APick@WLS4Kids.org Contracted Speech Therapist Shoreland
Piekarzewski, Caitlin CPiekarzewski@WLS4Kids.org Student Teacher Shoreland
Ponke, Emilie EPonke@WLS4Kids.org Classroom Aide Shoreland
Rayburn, Annamarie arayburn@wls4kids.org Intervention Specialist Shoreland
Ridener, Megan MRidener@wls4kids.org Intervention Specialist Shoreland
Righi, Erin erighi@wls4kids.org SPEECH & LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST Shoreland
Robertson, Allison aroberts@wls4kids.org GRADE 1 TEACHER Shoreland
Rotunno, Heather HRotunno@wls4kids.org MUSIC TEACHER Shoreland
Rupp, Christine crupp@wls4kids.org PE TEACHER Greenwood, Shoreland
Rybarczyk, John jrybarczyk@wls4kids.org Classroom Aide Shoreland
Scholl, Lezlie LScholl@WLS4Kids.org KIA Shoreland
Scott, Paige pscott@wls4kids.org Curriculum Consultant Shoreland, Curriculum, Hiawatha, Monac
Sharp, Michelle msharp@wls4kids.org Purchasing Agent Nutrition, Athletics, Board Members, Business, Central Office, CTC, Curriculum, DIS, District Police, Greenwood, Hiawatha, HR, Jefferson, Maintenance, McGregor, Meadowvale, Monac, Panther Virtual Academy, PR, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Stadium, Transportation, Treasurer, Warehouse, WAS
Soltesz, Luke LSoltesz@WLS4Kids.org ESC Gifted Teacher Meadowvale, Shoreland
Spitler, Tracey TSpitler@WLS4Kids.org Safety Aide Shoreland
Stanton, Lori lstanton@wls4kids.org GRADE 4 TEACHER Shoreland
Stuller, Jeanne JStuller@WLS4Kids.org Safety Aide Shoreland
Swiderski, Elizabeth eswider@wls4kids.org teacher Shoreland
Turner, Jodie JTurner@WLS4Kids.org Teachers Aide Shoreland
Walleman, Erin EWalleman@WLS4Kids.org Teacher Shoreland
Weaver, William wweaver@wls4kids.org DIS Technician Warehouse, DIS, Greenwood, Meadowvale, Shoreland
White, Kelly kwhite@wls4kids.org GRADE 4 TEACHER Shoreland
Wietrzykowski, Taylor TWietrzykowski@WLS4Kids.org Classroom Aide Shoreland
Will, Alexandra AWill@WLS4Kids.org Shoreland, Shoreland
Williams, Elizabeth ElWilliams@WLS4Kids.org Psych Extern - UT Whitmer, CTC, Shoreland
Wilson, Lauren LaWilson@WLS4Kids.org Speech Therapy Intern Shoreland
WLS, Panther Room SHOR PantherRoomSHOR@WLS4Kids.org Panther Room SHOR Shoreland
Wojtowicz, Heidi HWojtowicz@wls4kids.org GRADE 5 TEACHER Shoreland
Zielinski, Danielle dzielinski@wls4kids.org GRADE 3 TEACHER Shoreland