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Employee Name Employee Email Job Title Building(s)
Aeschliman, Kristy kaeschli@wls4kids.org ESL INSTRUCTOR CTC, Greenwood, Hiawatha, McGregor, Shoreland, Washington, Whitmer
Alaura, Carli CAlaura@WLS4Kids.org School Counselor Shoreland
Algarin, Tiffany TAlgarin@wls4kids.org GRADE 2 TEACHER Shoreland
Babel-Pounds, Debra dbabelpounds@wls4kids.org BUS DRIVER/SAFETY AIDE Shoreland, Transportation
Bacon, Paige PBacon@WLS4Kids.org First Grade Shoreland
Baumberger, Kelly kbaumber@wls4kids.org GRADE 3 TEACHER Shoreland
Becker, Christin cbecker@wls4kids.org Title 1 Reading Teacher Shoreland
Bell, Minya MBell@WLS4Kids.org Kindergarten Instructional Aide Shoreland
Bennett II, David dbennett@wls4kids.org 5th Grade Teacher Shoreland
Bott, Charles cbott@wls4kids.org Associate Principal Shoreland
Bronikowski, Jennifer jbronikowski@wls4kids.org Assistant Superintendent Whitmer, Athletics, Central Office, CTC, District Police, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, McGregor, Meadowvale, Monac, Panther Virtual Academy, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Washington
Brown, Brittany BriBrown@WLS4Kids.org Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant McGregor, Shoreland, Student Services
Brugger, Rebecca RBrugger@WLS4Kids.org Building Sub Shoreland
Buss, Bridget bbuss@wls4kids.org GRADE 3 TEACHER Shoreland
Cantrell, Jessica JCantrell@WLS4Kids.org Safety Aide Shoreland
Clair, Lisa LClair@WLS4Kids.org School Psychologist Contractor Shoreland, McGregor
Cline, Kelly kcline@wls4kids.org GRADE 6 TEACHER Shoreland
Cole, Jessica jcole@wls4kids.org SECRETARY Shoreland
Collins, Mariah MCollins@WLS4Kids.org Teacher Shoreland
Conlan, Tammera tconlan@wls4kids.org ART TEACHER Shoreland
Cowan, Avery ACowan@WLS4Kids.org Substitute/CERTIFIED Shoreland, Student Teacher
Cranston, Nicholas NCranston@WLS4Kids.org Physical Education Teacher Hiawatha, Shoreland
Crawford, Janet JCrawford@WLS4Kids.org Secretary Silver Creek, Shoreland
Cummins, Amaya ACummins@WLS4Kids.org Teacher Shoreland
Dopieralski, Ashley ADopieralski@WLS4Kids.org Technology & Testing Monitor Greenwood, Hiawatha, Shoreland
Doran, Justin JDoran@WLS4Kids.org Custodian Shoreland
Doran, Kylee KDoran@WLS4Kids.org Custodian Shoreland
Earl, Jennifer jearl@wls4kids.org GRADE 1 TEACHER Shoreland
Edwards-Farren, Lauren LEdwardsFarren@WLS4Kids.org Classroom Aide Shoreland
Ehlert, Julia JEhlert@WLS4Kids.org Intervention Specialist Shoreland
Emahiser, Chelsey ChEmahiser@WLS4Kids.org Kindergarten Teacher Shoreland
ESL, ESL ESL@WLS4Kids.org ESL account for shared emails CTC, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, McGregor, Meadowvale, Monac, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Washington, Whitmer
Forche, Jeremie jforche@wls4kids.org PE TEACHER Shoreland
Frank, Stephanie SFrank@WLS4Kids.org Classroom Aide Shoreland, Whitmer
Fritch, Katlyn kfritch@wls4kids.org GRADE 5 TEACHER Shoreland
Garn, Kelli kgarn@wls4kids.org GRADE 2 TEACHER Shoreland
Gaylord, Tiffany TGaylord@WLS4Kids.org Health Aide Hiawatha, Shoreland
Geha, Rachel rgeha@wls4kids.org KDG TEACHER Shoreland
Gensler, Courtney CGensler@WLS4Kids.org Intervention Specialist Shoreland
Gonzalez, Katherine KGonzalez@WLS4Kids.org Health Aide Whitmer, Shoreland
Haas, Christine CHaas@WLS4Kids.org School Nurse Shoreland, Hiawatha, Monac
Harris, Tamara tharris@wls4kids.org COUNSELOR Shoreland
Henke, Rachel RHenke@WLS4Kids.org Classroom Aide Shoreland
Hensen, Francine FHensen@WLS4Kids.org ESC - Occupational Therapist McGregor, Lucas County, Shoreland
Hostetler, Sara SHostetler@WLS4Kids.org Paraprofessional Shoreland
Hymore, Amy ahymore@wls4kids.org Grade 5 Teacher Shoreland
Jackson, Erika ejackson@wls4kids.org GRADE 1 TEACHER Shoreland
Jacob, Brooke BJacob@WLS4Kids.org STEM Teacher Shoreland, Athletics
Jacobiak, Angela ajacobiak@wls4kids.org Secretary Shoreland
Jager, Lynn ljager@wls4kids.org Intervention Specialist Shoreland
Kazmaier, Kimberly KKazmaier@WLS4Kids.org SUB TEACHER/CERTIFIED Shoreland
Kell, Stephen SKell@WLS4Kids.org Paraprofessional Shoreland
Keller, Levi LeKeller@WLS4Kids.org Temp Staff Thru partnerstoledo.org Shoreland
Knight, Deborah dknight@wls4kids.org nutrition service manager Shoreland
Krecioch, Sue skrecioc@wls4kids.org GRADE 4 TEACHER Shoreland
Kreuz, Morgan MKreuz@WLS4Kids.org Speech & Language Pathologist Silver Creek, Shoreland
Kuch, Sarah SKuch@WLS4Kids.org ESC - Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant Meadowvale, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Monac, Shoreland, Student Services
Langton, Mary MLangton@WLS4Kids.org Kindergarten Teacher Shoreland
LaPoint, Jaime jlapoint@wls4kids.org Title One Teacher Shoreland
Leis, Jeni jleis@wls4kids.org LUCAS COUNTY ADAPTED PE McGregor, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Jefferson, Lucas County, Meadowvale, Monac, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Student Services, Washington, Whitmer
Lemon, Michelle milemon@wls4kids.org LUCAS COUNTY PHYSICAL THERAPIST McGregor, Greenwood, Hiawatha, Lucas County, Meadowvale, Monac, PreSchool, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Student Services, Westwood, Whitmer
Manders, Sue smanders@wls4kids.org safety aide Shoreland
Martin, Floyd FMartin@WLS4Kids.org Curriculum Consultant Meadowvale, Shoreland
Martin, Kristine kmartin@wls4kids.org Superintendent Central Office, McGregor, Shoreland, Silver Creek, Whitmer
Mayo, Jennifer jmayo@wls4kids.org GRADE 6 TEACHER Shoreland
McClung, Nanette nmcclung@wls4kids.org GRADE 2 TEACHER Shoreland
McClure, Kyle KyMcClure@wls4kids.org Custodian Shoreland
McEntire, Briana bmcentire@wls4kids.org Aide / SPED Shoreland
McGowan, Shelia SMcGowan@WLS4Kids.org Classroom Aide Shoreland
Michaelis, Tracy tmichael@wls4kids.org Intervention Specialist Shoreland
Miller, Rachel rmiller@wls4kids.org Title 1 Reading Teacher Shoreland
Mlinar, Paula PMlinar@WLS4Kids.org gifted teacher Shoreland
Moore, Stacey StMoore@WLS4Kids.org Kindergarten Instructional Aide Shoreland
Morse, Judy jmorse@wls4kids.org PSYCHOLOGIST Shoreland, Whitmer
Nino, Lisa LNino@WLS4Kids.org Safety Aide Shoreland
Oyler, Beth boyler@wls4kids.org teacher Shoreland
Pawlaczyk, Hope hpawlacz@wls4kids.org GRADE 3 TEACHER Shoreland
Pick, Alyssa APick@WLS4Kids.org Contracted Speech Therapist Shoreland
Ponke, Emilie EPonke@WLS4Kids.org Classroom Aide Shoreland
Rayburn, Annamarie arayburn@wls4kids.org Intervention Specialist Shoreland
Ridener, Megan MRidener@wls4kids.org Intervention Specialist Shoreland
Righi, Erin erighi@wls4kids.org SPEECH & LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST Shoreland
Robertson, Allison aroberts@wls4kids.org GRADE 1 TEACHER Shoreland
Rotunno, Heather HRotunno@wls4kids.org MUSIC TEACHER Shoreland
Rupp, Christine crupp@wls4kids.org PE TEACHER Greenwood, Shoreland
Rybarczyk, John jrybarczyk@wls4kids.org Classroom Aide Shoreland
Scholl, Lezlie LScholl@WLS4Kids.org KIA Shoreland
Scott, Paige pscott@wls4kids.org Curriculum Consultant Shoreland, Curriculum, Hiawatha, Monac
Shadle, Nicole nshadle@wls4kids.org STEM Teacher Hiawatha, Shoreland
Smith, Michelle MSmith@WLS4Kids.org Classified Sub, Shoreland
Soltesz, Luke LSoltesz@WLS4Kids.org ESC Gifted Teacher Meadowvale, Shoreland
Spitler, Tracey TSpitler@WLS4Kids.org Safety Aide Shoreland
Stanton, Lori lstanton@wls4kids.org GRADE 4 TEACHER Shoreland
Stuller, Jeanne JStuller@WLS4Kids.org Safety Aide Shoreland
Swiderski, Elizabeth eswider@wls4kids.org teacher Shoreland
Toney, Molly MToney@wls4kids.org School Counselor Shoreland
Turner, Jodie JTurner@WLS4Kids.org Teachers Aide Shoreland
Twiggs, Shannon stwiggs@wls4kids.org SPECIAL EDUCATION SUPERVISOR Central Office, Hiawatha, Monac, PreSchool, Shoreland, Student Services, Westwood
Walleman, Erin EWalleman@WLS4Kids.org Teacher Shoreland
Weaver, William wweaver@wls4kids.org DIS Technician Warehouse, DIS, Greenwood, Meadowvale, Shoreland
Wheaton Rodriguez, Summer SWheatonRodriguez@WLS4Kids.org Art Specialist Hiawatha, Shoreland
Whitaker, Chad CWhitaker@WLS4Kids.org Gifted Intervention Specialist Central Office, Greenwood, Shoreland
White, Kelly kwhite@wls4kids.org GRADE 4 TEACHER Shoreland
Will, Alexandra AWill@WLS4Kids.org Shoreland
Williams, Elizabeth ElWilliams@WLS4Kids.org Psych Extern - UT Whitmer, CTC, Shoreland
Wilson, Lauren LaWilson@WLS4Kids.org Speech Therapy Intern Shoreland
WLS, Panther Room SHOR PantherRoomSHOR@WLS4Kids.org Panther Room SHOR Shoreland
Wojtowicz, Heidi HWojtowicz@wls4kids.org GRADE 5 TEACHER Shoreland
Zielinski, Danielle dzielinski@wls4kids.org GRADE 3 TEACHER Shoreland