Upcoming Events...
11/05/2024 - Whitmer
05:30 AM - Lucas County Board of Elections - General Election
WHIT - South Gym
02:30 PM - Fall Play Rehearsals
WHIT - Nightingale Center / Auditorium
05:00 PM - Speech & Debate practice
06:00 PM - WHS Cheer practice
WHIT - Cafeteria
06:00 PM - Wrestling Junior High Parents Meeting
11/06/2024 - Whitmer
07:00 AM - Nurse Health Screenings
01:15 PM - M. Hazuda
WHIT - Room 115
02:30 PM - Fall Play Rehearsals
WHIT - Nightingale Center / Auditorium
02:45 PM - Whitmer Dance
WHIT - Cafeteria
03:00 PM - D and D
WCTC - Room C208
04:00 PM - Wrestling Study Tables
06:00 PM - Boys Wrestling High School Parents Meeting
06:00 PM - Girls Wrestling High School Parent meeting
06:00 PM - Mandatory Winter Sports' Parent Meeting
WHIT - Cafeteria, WHIT - Room 115, WHIT - Science Lecture Hall, and WHIT - South Gym
06:30 PM - Whitmer Athletic Club Meeting
WHIT - Senior Lobby
11/07/2024 - Whitmer
11:00 AM - IEP- Steinmiller
WHIT - Room 115
01:15 PM - Cleveland State University Rep Visit
02:30 PM - Fall Play Rehearsals
WHIT - Nightingale Center / Auditorium
02:45 PM - Whitmer Dance Practice
WHIT - Cafeteria
06:00 PM - Whitmer Preview Night
WHIT - Room 115
11/08/2024 - Whitmer
07:00 AM - Nurse Health Screenings
08:30 AM - Veterans Day Breakfast
WHIT - Nightingale Center Lobby
09:30 AM - Veterans Assembly
WHIT - Nightingale Center / Auditorium and WHIT - Nightingale Center Lobby
10:15 AM - Health Center Information Table
02:30 PM - Fall Play Rehearsals
WHIT - Nightingale Center / Auditorium
11/10/2024 - Whitmer
02:00 PM - Westwood Rams Award Ceremony - Canceled - CANCELLED
WHIT - Nightingale Center / Auditorium
11/11/2024 - Whitmer
06:30 AM - Prayer Watch group - Sara Just
07:00 AM - Nurse Health Screenings
02:00 PM - Fall Play Rehearsals
WHIT - Nightingale Center / Auditorium
02:30 PM - Fall Play Rehearsals
WHIT - Nightingale Center / Auditorium
07:00 PM - WHS Boys Golf Awards Night
WHIT - Science Lecture Hall